Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sweet Escape free essay sample

These are the words that mirror a flower that blooms in mud. In order for its petals to greet the warmth of the sun, a lotus flower must begin Its life buried beneath mud and filth. Fragile and little it uses its own strength to press on through the sludge so that it can live within the water. With time and patience, ITIL soon reach the surface feeling the sun shine on It. As Its buds begin to grow, the flower will then finally burst Into full bloom.Same goes here. At this moment, Eve been living my life facing trials, hardships and frustrations, but not until he day I realized that someone up there Is pursuing me. Now I consider these obstacles as my source of wisdom that I can use to move forward and recover. Im finally having hope that I can still grasp the light that shines brightly on top of me. We will write a custom essay sample on Sweet Escape or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And someday I can also rise above to show my worth, that I dont deserve to be belittled and that theres a Jewel Inside of me Just walling to sparkle.Im a lotus that Is striving to grow through hard times, pursuing to rise above trials, determined to ascend out of the darkness and feel the sun, a lotus which petals are slowly in to blossom and waiting for the world to marvel at my untouched beauty. I know its not easy to grow and change, I have tried it a million times and I almost gave up but now I know that quitting wouldnt help me build up my being again.It may be a long and prudent process, but I will not waver and get tired for right now I yearn to be pulled out from mud and filth. I want to break away from this dark and cold abyss, flee, be healed, be marveled and have the sweetest escape of my life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Stress2 essays

Stress2 essays Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as a set of interactions between the person and the environment that result in an unpleasant emotional state, such as anxiety, tension, guilt, or shame (swin pg 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are somethings that put certain demands on us. The effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that psychological stress can hamper. There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of these elements that will trigger stress. Frustration is one of the most prevalent sources of stress in my life at this moment. A lot of different events will cause frustration. Frustration occurs from something blocking our attainment of certain goals or needs (Corey 207). All of the little things that frustrate us include waiting in lines or traffic, sense of failure or inadequacies, bad relationships, deaths, and loneliness. Self-defeating thoughts are a way in which we almost deliberately block attainment of our needs. If in our heads, we have this preconceived notion that we are incapable of obtaining something that we want or that others could not possibly love us, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I used the word "deliberately" in describing self-doubt because we have the ability to change these misinformed thoughts. Major life changes whether it be positive or negative can lead to very stressful situations. In our society, many people fall into a rut of everyday life and fear change to their daily routines. When any kind of change occurs it is very traumatic. There are many chang...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Will Paying More Produce Better Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Will Paying More Produce Better Quality - Essay Example The researcher believes that paying more will not necessarily improve quality because not all health care personnel are motivated by financial rewards alone. Some of them are more inspired to improve their quality of work through having a career route where they are growing professionally and/or socially and when they are working in an organization where there is enough staff for them to not experience burnout and stress. Nonetheless, as Sanjaya Kumar and Peter R. Kongstvedt show, quality care is a complex process and outcome that deserve innovation and development. If pay for performance (P4P) can improve care outcomes for individual doctors and hospitals, then it can be integrated into the rewards scheme for these people and organizations. However, as Kumar notes, a â€Å"bundled payment approach† is better because it can motivate the whole system to work together in improving care. In addition, the researcher agrees with Kongstvedt that quality is more than higher payment, although sufficient payment is necessary to provide ample care. The researcher confirms Kongstvedt’s discussion that quality involves quality in structure, process, and outcome, peer reviews and other evaluation means/systems, including accreditation, and continuous quality improvement measures. Accreditation is important because it follows employer mandates and stated and federal government requirements and shows commitment to quality care.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Classical Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classical Management Theory - Essay Example sion of labor, order, span of control, authority and responsibility, discipline, remuneration of personnel, equity, tenure stability, subordination of individual interests over general interests, initiative and Espirit de Corps (Anapkumar 2005). Some elements of the Fayol’s theory continue to have a positive impact on the culture of a functional unit. Although the theory does not include communication as one of its element, it is implicit that both vertical and horizontal communications are considered vital to the performance of the elements of this theory. The power structure advocated for by the theory espouses optimal functionality with managers holding authority over and responsibility to employees and the later submitting to the rules and orders (Miner 2006). Rewarding of employees within the organization through application of monetary rewards and job security boosts their work morale. The theorys insistence on human resource continues to play a crucial part in businesses successes worldwide by focusing on employees’ development. It views personnel as the essence of an organization but is attributed to the the growth of public administration. (Miner 2006) The theory is plagued by numerous weaknesses in dynamic market place which does not strictly adhere to the tenets of management as proposed by Fayol . Its insistence on excessive hierarchy, rigid compliance to rules, promotion on seniority and over developed specialization cannot work in todays market place unless it is made flexible. If not, it might be a precursor to bureau morbid behavior. A consequence of this will be bloated companies and proliferation of rules which will make it harder for companies to cope with the dynamic market place. The theorys treatment of employees as economic, irrational, passive and inert beings who are a product of the means of production capable of being only motivated by means of money works against the functional in todays businesses. (Alajloni et al 2010) It fails

Monday, November 18, 2019

Texas Roadhouse Won't Skimp on Making Employees Happy Essay

Texas Roadhouse Won't Skimp on Making Employees Happy - Essay Example Everybody in the company was very motivated by the financial rewards and incentives the firm offered. â€Å"Financial incentives are extrinsic rewards and are tangible visible to others and contingent on performance† (Hubpages, 2012). After a couple of payment cycles the employees noticed that their pay checks did not include the performance bonuses. The company said that the administration had decided to eliminate the bonuses. The employees were outraged. The firm also claimed that the contest for prizes was also cancelled. The employees in the firm rebelled and formed a union. The productivity of the workers drastically decreased because the employees had no incentive to produce more. The actions of the employees hurt the customers of the firm because the services backlogged due to lower productivity. Texas Roadhouse restaurant uses extrinsic rewards to motivate the employees of the company. The firm believes deeply in the importance of keeping employees happy. Some of the r ewards that the firm offers its employees include a yearly contest of $20,000 for the best meat cutter, $500 allowance given to the managers to be spent in activities for the employees, annual four day motivation conference at a luxurious hotel with the benefit of bringing the employees’ spouse to the event. There are other ways to motivate employees that can be used at Texas Roadhouse to improve the performance of the company. An effective technique to improve motivation in the workplace is the use of intrinsic rewards. â€Å"Intrinsic rewards are positively valued work outcomes that the individual receives directly as a result of task performance† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003, pg. 118). An example of an intrinsic reward is receiving a pad in the back and a positive comment from the manager or supervisor for a job well done. The motivation of the employees can increase by improving the job satisfaction of the workers. Another method that can be used to increase t he motivation of the workers is by implementing feedback systems. â€Å"The importance of feedback in the workplace cannot be over-estimated - it is a key source of employee motivation† (Practical-management-skills, 2012). The firm must invest in improvements to the information systems of the company to improve the capabilities of the human resource module. A way to simplify the payroll cycle is by switching antiquated time card systems, with electronic systems in which an employee logs in using a thumbprint. These electronic systems will reduce the work done by HR specialist and the payroll department by digitalizing information which eliminates the need of manual data entry. Today human resource departments must give emphasis to a knowledge based administration using technology as a tool (Peterson, 2010). The use of intrinsic rewards is a great method for motivating employees that can be implemented at cero costs. The managers and supervisors have to be aware of the work pe rformed by the employees in order to identify situations that merit giving the employees an intrinsic reward. The con of the intrinsic reward strategy is that it requires a lot of observation from supervisors and managers which wastes time. A lot of the time of management should be spent performing strategic functions. Improving job

Friday, November 15, 2019

Moral Justifications for Archaeological Excavation Sites

Moral Justifications for Archaeological Excavation Sites Can archaeological excavation of sites not under immediate threat of development or erosion be justified morally? Explore the pros and cons of research (as opposed to rescue and salvage) excavation and non-destructive archaeological research methods using specific examples. Many people believe that archaeology and archaeologists are mainly concerned with excavation – with digging sites.   This may be the common public image of archaeology, as often portrayed on television, although Rahtz (1991, 65-86) has made clear that archaeologists in fact do many things besides excavate. Drewett (1999, 76) goes further, commenting that ‘it must never be assumed that excavation is an essential part of any archaeological fieldwork’.   Excavation itself is a costly and destructive research tool, destroying the object of its research forever (Renfrew and Bahn 1996, 100).   Of the present day it has been noted that rather than desiring to dig every site they know about, the majority of archaeologists work within a conservation ethic that has grown up in the past few decades (Carmichael et al. 2003, 41).   Given the shift to excavation taking place mostly in a rescue or salvage context where the archaeology would otherwise face destruction and the inherently destructive nature of excavation, it has become appropriate to ask whether research excavation can be morally justified.   This essay will seek to answer that question in the affirmative and also explore the pros and cons of research excavation and non-destructive archaeological research methods. If the moral justification of research excavation is questionable in comparison to the excavation of threatened sites, it would seem that what makes rescue excavation morally acceptable is the fact that the site would be lost to human knowledge if it was not investigated.   It seems clear from this, and seems widely accepted that excavation itself is a useful investigative technique.   Renfrew and Bahn (1996, 97) suggest that excavation ‘retains its central role in fieldwork because it yields the most reliable evidence archaeologists are interested in’.   Carmichael et al. (2003, 32) note that ‘excavation is the means by which we access the past’ and that it is the most basic, defining aspect of archaeology.   As mentioned above, excavation is a costly and destructive process that destroys the object of its study.   Bearing this in mind, it seems that it is perhaps the context in which excavation is used that has a bearing on whether or not it is m orally justifiable.   If the archaeology is bound to be destroyed through erosion or development then its destruction through excavation is vindicated since much data that would otherwise be lost will be created (Drewett 1999, 76).   If rescue excavation is justifiable on the grounds that it prevents total loss in terms of the potential data, does this mean that research excavation is not morally justifiable because it is not simply ‘making the best use of archaeological sites that must be consumed’ (Carmichael et al. 2003, 34)?   Many would disagree.   Critics of research excavation may point out that the archaeology itself is a finite resource that must be preserved wherever possible for the future.   The destruction of archaeological evidence through unnecessary (ie non-emergency) excavation denies the opportunity of research or enjoyment to future generations to whom we may owe a custodial duty of care (Rahtz 1991, 139).   Even during the most responsible excavations where detailed records are made, 100% recording of a site is not possible, making any non-essential excavation almost a wilful destruction of evidence.   These criticisms are not wholly valid though, and certainly the latte r holds true during any excavation, not only research excavations, and surely during a research project there is likely to be more time available for a full recording effort than during the statutory access period of a rescue project.   It is also debateable whether archaeology is a finite resource, since ‘new’ archaeology is created all the time.   It seems inescapable though, that individual sites are unique and can suffer destruction but although it is more difficult and perhaps undesirable to deny that we have some responsibility to preserve this archaeology for future generations, is it not also the case that the present generations are entitled to make responsible use of it, if not to destroy it?   Research excavation, best directed at answering potentially important research questions, can be done on a partial or selective basis, without disturbing or destroying a whole site, thus leaving areas for later researchers to investigate (Carmichael et al. 2003, 4 1). Furthermore, this can and should be done in conjunction with non-invasive techniques such as aerial photography, ground, geophysical and chemical survey (Drewett 1999, 76).   Continued research excavation also allows the practice and development of new techniques, without which such skills would be lost, preventing future excavation technique from being improved. An excellent example of the benefits of a combination of research excavation and non-destructive archaeological techniques is the work that has been done, despite objections, at the Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Sutton Hoo, in eastern England (Rahtz 1991 136-47; Renfrew and Bahn 1996, 98-99).   Excavation originally took place on the site in 1938-39 revealing many treasures and the impression in sand of a wooden ship used for a burial, though the body was not found.   The focus of these campaigns and those of the 1960s were traditional in their approach, being concerned with the opening of burial mounds, their contents, dating and identifying historical connections such as the identity of the occupants.   In the 1980s a new campaign with different aims was undertaken, directed by Martin Carver.   Rather than beginning and ending with excavation, a regional survey was carried out over an area of some 14ha, helping to set the site in its local context. Electronic distance measuring w as used to create a topographical contour map prior to other work.   A grass expert examined the variety of grass species on-site and identified the positions of some 200 holes dug into the site.   Other environmental studies examined beetles, pollen and snails.   In addition, a phosphate survey, indicative of likely areas of human occupation, corresponded with results of the surface survey.   Other non-destructive tools were used such as metal detectors, used to map modern rubbish.   A proton magnetometer, fluxgate gradiometer and soil resistivity were all used on a small part of the site to the east, which was later excavated.   Of those techniques, resistivity proved the most informative, revealing a modern ditch and a double palisade, as well as some other features (see comparative illustrations in Renfrew and Bahn 1996, 99).   Excavation later revealed features that had not been remotely detected.   Resistivity has since been used on the area of the mounds while soil-sounding radar, which penetrates deeper than resistivity, is being used on the mounds themselves.   At Sutton Hoo, the techniques of geophysical survey are seen to operate as a complement to excavation, not merely a preliminary nor yet a replacement.   By trialling such techniques in conjunction with excavation, their effectiveness can be gauged and new and more effective techniques developed.   The results at Sutton Hoo suggest that research excavation and non-destructive methods of archaeological research remain morally justifiable. However, simply because such techniques can be applied efficiently does not mean that excavation should be the priority nor that all sites should be excavated, but such a scenario has never been a likely one due to the usual constraints such as funding.   Besides, it has been noted above that there is already a trend towards conservation.   Continued research excavation at famous sites such as Sutton Hoo, as Rahtz notes (1991, 140-41), is justified since it serves avowedly to develop archaeological practice itself; the physical remains, or shapes in the landscape can be and are restored to their former appearance with the bonus of being better understood, more educational and interesting; such exotic and special sites capture the imagination of the public and the media and raise the profile of archaeology as a whole.   There are other sites that could prove equally good examples of morally justifiable long term research archaeology, such as Wharram Percy (for which see Rahtz 19 91, 148-57).   Progressing from a straightforward excavation in 1950, with the aim of showing that the earthworks represented medieval buildings, the site grew to represent much more in time, space and complexity.   Techniques used expanded from excavation to include survey techniques and aerial photography to set the village into a local context. In conclusion, it can be seen that while excavation is destructive, there is a morally justifiable place for research archaeology and non-destructive archaeological techniques: excavation should not be reduced only to rescue circumstances.   Research excavation projects, such as Sutton Hoo, have provided many positive aspects to the development of archaeology and knowledge of the past.   While excavation should not be undertaken lightly, and non-destructive techniques should be employed in the first place, it is clear that as yet they cannot replace excavation in terms of the amount and types of data provided.   Non-destructive techniques such as environmental sampling and resistivity survey have, provided significant complementary data to that which excavation provides and both should be employed. Bibliography Carmichael, D.L., Lafferty III, R.H. and Molyneaux, B.L. 2003. Excavation. Walnut Creek and Oxford: Altamira Press. Drewett, P.L. 1999. Field Archaeology: An Introduction. London: UCL Press. Rahtz, P. 1991. Invitation to Archaeology. 2nd edition.   Oxford: Blackwell.Renfrew, C. and Bahn, P.1996. Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. 2nd edition. London: Thames Hudson.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Emily Dickenson And The Theme Of Death Essay -- GCSE English Literature

Emily Dickinson And the Theme of Death Emily Dickenson, an unconventional 19th century poet, used death as the theme for many of her poems. Dickenson's poems offer a creative and refreshingly different perspective on death and its effects on others. In Dickenson's poems, death is often personified, and is also assigned to personalities far different from the traditional "horror movie" roles. Dickenson also combines imaginative diction with vivid imagery to create astonishingly powerful poems. In the 1862 poem, After Great pain, a formal feeling comes--, Emily Dickenson presents death from the perspective of the bereaved. This poem is written in the third person, and informs the reader as to the actions and thoughts of the mourners through an omniscient narration. In contrast, most of Dickenson's other death related poems show the reader the perspective of the dead. The vivid imagery in this poem functions to enhance the reader's perception of the poem. The following passage conveys a resplendent physical sense of coldness as someone is frozen to death: "This is the Hour of Lead-- Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow-- First--Chill--then Stupor--then the letting go--" The innovative diction in this passage creates an eerie a...